Real Estate Services

Real Estate Services

The professionalization of the real estate industry, its internationalization and the increase in transaction volumes have not only led to the further development of methods and standards, but also led to an increasing complexity of real estate issues.

Isolated viewing methods no longer meet this increasing complexity. Rather, a holistic, interdisciplinary approach around the property is required to master the future challenges of the real estate market.


Our services:

  • Ongoing tax advice for real estate developers and property owners
  • National and international tax planning, tax optimization
  • Tax structuring of real estate transactions
  • Tax due diligences
  • Advice on the structuring of real estate funds
  • Calculation of real estate taxation
  • Advice on real estate transfer tax, sales tax and land registry taxes
  • Ownership models
Christoph Pramböck

Christoph Pramböck

Partner, head of competence center real estate valuation
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